7 Key Information a SURVEY PLAN must have, if one of these is missing, ⚠️ Don't conclude the Transaction.
A survey plan must contain the following information;
1. The name of the owner of the land surveyed boldly written at the top head. It could be a Family, a Community or even the Government.
2. The Address or description of
the land surveyed.
3. The size of the land surveyed.
4. The drawnout portion of the land surveyed which is mapped out on the survey plans document.
5. The beacon numbers showing the boundaries of the property.
6. The name and office address of the surveyor who drew up the survey plan and the date it was drawn up and the plan number.
7. A stamp showing the land is either free from Government acquisition or not.
When this informations are present in a survey plan, it can now be said to be a REGISTERED SURVEY DOCUMENT.
The Picture above shows what a Registered SURVEY PLAN looks like.
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